Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

‘Kejahatan’ Sebuah Film

8.00 pm..

I’m so sleepy. Not usual. Maybe it’s caused by so many tears that fell this afternoon. So, my eyes got tired.

Yeah, that movie. This afternoon, my family and I watched “Sang Pemimpi” at CS. A movie that is based on a true-story novel of Andrea Hirata. He’s a very good writer (although it’s not his job), his words are very beautiful, hypnotic, and have high-quality.

“Sang Pemimpi” is the sequel of “Laskar Pelangi the Tetra logy”. I’ve read all the novels. I think “Sang Pemimpi” is the best one. I like this novel very much. It tells us about dreams, friendship, a poor and hard life, teenager naughtiness, and so on. This novel is very touched, and also has so many funny things that can make us laugh terpingkal-pingkal. So, we’ve been waiting for this movie for so long.

Before I thought the movie wasn’t as good as the novel (like the other story). I thought I would just be touched and not cry. But, I was totally wrong! This movie is very 'criminal' (everything that makes someone cries and hurt is criminal: crazy person's think). I cried. This movie has hurt me. It has defeated my hypothesis. Hey movie! You are very mean.You are so cruel. You made me melted. You made me lost my words. I cried! Even there were so many tears. I couldn't prevent it, I couldn't stop it. I never cried while watching movie. But not this time. This movie touches me, touches everyone. Two thumbs up for “Sang Pemimpi” :D.

Keep dreaming.

Bermimpilah, maka Tuhan akan memeluk mimpi-mimpi itu

(kami selaku penulis menyatakan baru sekarang nonton film nya karena pengen nunggu sepi dan pengen nonton bareng sepupu yang baru sembuh) :) ga penting

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Mau baca "George's Secret Key To The Universe"


TADINYA mau lanjutin "George's Secret Key To The Universe"..
(I read that book months ago, but haven't finished yet, 1/4 part left, nanggung..>_<)

BUT, terlena oleh rayuan facebook, terbuai oleh blogging, pokoke bcoz si MAYA punya DUNIA lah..

FINALLY, I chose to get stuck in this chair in front of this 14 inch screen for kesekian kalinya on this day (if I count, maybe I've spent half day sitting on this chair..T_T..bukan apa2, khawatir akan ambeien..:P)

24 Desember 2009

Pagi itu seluruh jalan di Pekanbaru dipadati oleh kendaraan bermotor. Pada salah satu mobil, melalui kaca jendela yang transparan tampak seorang anak lelaki berseragam putih merah sedang bercakap dengan kedua orang tuanya yang duduk di depannya. Sang ayah berpakaian sangat rapi, begitu juga dengan sang ibu. Seakan-akan tiada hari yang lebih penting dari hari itu.
Walaupun berbeda arah dan lokasi, seluruh mobil itu menuju ke suatu tempat yang bernama sekolah. Ya, dari SD sampai SMA pada umumnya hari itu mengadakan terima rapor.

Di SMA ku, SMAN 8 Pekanbaru, terima rapor diadakan jam 10 pagi. Aku berangkat jam 9 bersama kedua orang tuaku. Di depan beberapa SD yang kami lewati, kulihat seorang ayah sedang berjalan bersama anaknya sambil membawa sebuah buku bersampul biru dengan wajah bangga.
Sampailah aku di sekolah. Aku langsung menuju kumpulan teman-temanku, sementara orang tuaku berkumpul dengan orang tua murid yang lain.
Hari itu memang sangat menegangkan. Rapor itu adalah rapor pertamaku selama bersekolah di sini. Dan setelah pengumuman dibacakan di luar, barulah aku merasa lega. Alhamdulillah.
Sebagai seorang anak SMA, tentunya aku sudah terbiasa dengan tata cara dan suasana di kala hari penerimaan rapor. Namun, terima rapor kali ini sangat berbeda dengan hari-hari sebelumnya. Hari itu adalah hari yang penuh air mata kebahagiaan serta air mata kekecewaan. Di atas sana, di bangunan berwarna putih yang terletak di barisan paling depan SMAN 8 Pekanbaru, di saat kami berkumpul di luar kelas, menunggu orang tua mengambil rapor, banyak kenyataan yang tejadi di sekitarku.
Salah seorang temanku ingin loncat dari balkon karena tak menyangka bahwa hasil yang diperolehnya akan sebagus itu. Aku turut senang. Selamat ya :D.
Salah seorang yang lain, berjalan dengan ibunya dengan wajah bahagia, dan dengan penuh syukur ia menyebutkan rankingnya. Selamat :)
Namun, di sampingku berdiri seorang anak yang sedang menyembunyikan mukanya yang basah oleh air mata. Sepertinya temanku itu sedang menahan sesuatu yang panas, sakit, yang tidak enak, yang berasal dari dalam hatinya. Dunia seakan porak-poranda di dalam pikirannya, ia merasa tenggelam, terpuruk, sakit, hancur dalam dunia itu. Suara ringisan tangis itu semakin kuat. Sungguh tak kuat aku melihatmu teman. Saat itu, ingin rasanya kubawa kau ke suatu tempat di mana kau bisa melepaskan semua beban dan masalahmu itu, ingin rasanya kulakukan apapun agar kau bisa bisa keluar dari dunia itu. Namun, di kala itu aku hanya bisa menabahkanmu, memelukmu, dan menyuruhmu menangis lebih keras jika itu membuatmu lebih baik. Mari mulai hidup baru, mari perbaiki semuanya, kita masih punya waktu kok :D and with togetherness, yes we can. Kau hebat:D
Kemudian, datanglah seorang anak berjilbab yang baru saja berbincang dengan ibunya mengenai hasil yang diperolehnya. Dengan wajah kecewa ia menghampiriku. Lalu, menangis. Rankingnya memang di luar perkiraanya, serta perkiraan kami semua. Yang bikin lebih sakit hati lagi, rankingnya lebih rendah satu nomor dari nomor ranking yang dia kira paling minimal dia dapat. "Minumlah, mugkin akan membuatmu lebih baik", kata ku. Lalu menenangkannya. "Bersyukurlah. Ranking bukan segalanya dan kami tau ko bisa jauh lebih baik dari itu. Ko masih muda, jauh lebih muda daripada kami, tapi ko tau? Sebenarnya ko adalah saingan yang berat dan kami takuti. Mungkin ko butuh lebih giat lagi, dan lebih sadar bahwa segala sesuatu diatur Tuhan, Tuhan akan memberikan sesuatu yang setimpal pada kita, coba instropeksi.":)

Hmm, begitulah. Dan masih banyak kejadian lainnya.
Terima rapor kali ini banyak membuatku belajar, baik dari diri sendiri maupun dari orang lain.

The Lost Children

We pray for our fathers, pray for our mothers
Wishing our families well
We sing songs for the wishing, of those who are kissing
But not for the missing

Chorus 1

So this one's for all the lost children
This one's for all the lost children
This one's for all the lost children, wishing them well
And wishing them home

When you sit there addressing, counting your blessings
Biding your time
When you lay me down sleeping and my heart is weeping
Because I'm keeping a place

Chorus 2

For all the lost children
This is for all the lost children
This one's for all the lost children, wishing them well
And wishing them home

Home with their fathers,
Snug close and warm, loving their mothers
I see the door simply wide open
But no one can find thee

Chorus 3

So pray for all the lost children
Let's pray for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children, wishing them well
This is for all the lost children
This one's for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children
Wishing them well, and wishing them home

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

'Puk' for my little cousin

My cousins (from Jambi) are visiting us now.
Now, we're talking about Ziehan Zaviera (1,6 years old), the younger sister of Chiara Aurellia.
U know, it's so hard to feed a baby. Tp, kalo untuk cemilan, apa aja dia lahap biasanya. Nah, bagi baby yg satu ini, her favorite snack is...................
And last night, dedek Ziehan was eating. As usual, ya lasak lah, ya merengek lah, ya ngambek lah, ya mintak gendong lah. Sebagai kakak yang baik hati dan sayang anak(lo?adek maksudnya), I helped si mbak to feed her. And tibalah saatnya when Ziehan mengarahkan kedua tangannya to me, which means mintak gendong.waaaaaa..(tp untung aja I mantan kuli angkut avtur di pasar gentleman and lady(cik puan)).. Selama I gendong, she malah bacame more harder to be fed. walaaah. Tunjuk sana tunjuk sini (asking me to bring her there), "num" (asking for drink), and terakhir "Puk..puk..puk". I said, "Puk..puk.. apa?", "do u mpup (producing feces)?". "Puk..puk", then she pointed at a toples kerupuk on the dining table. "Oh, kerupuk toh". I gave her one, then i said "Ini?", "Ya..ya(baby's style)", she said sambil seneng kegirangan. Langsung deh, yang tadinya lasak jadi diem just because of kerupuk.
And, usually dia bisa minta tambah berkali-kali lo.ckckck.

Paragraf Kausalitas

That morning, we studied Bahasa Indonesia.
Our topic was "Paragraf Argumentasi" with the sub topic "Paragraf Kaukalitas(Hubungan Sebab Akibat)". Our teacher gave us an exercise to make one paragraph based on that topic. SO, each of us started thinking hard to get the craziest idea. There are so many possibilities to make. These are several things about us:
Finally I wrote paragraph about the effects of using motor vehicle. But, this is not sembarang paragraph, i wrote, just because using motor vehicle, this world can be threaten of EXTINCTION. Then this's Nurul's idea, Nurul said that people who are eating bananas can die. Iya, kalo pas lagi makan ketabrak truk (hahahahahahahahhaha..garing :P). Trus, there's something lawak about si FS. Kan yang disuruh only one paragraph, eh dia malah buat satu judul karangan yg berisi so many paragraphs (emang dasar tukang nulis ato kerajinan ato ga denger penjelasan ibuk ya?ehm.hhe). Lalu, Mamadi. Si genius ini made a paragraph about "The Effect Of Habisnya Bahan Dasi Polkadot". Kayaknya ini merupakan curahan hati seorang SMAN 8 student who's really dissapointed bcoz ga bisa make indahnya dasi polkadot yang menjadi kebanggaan SMAN 8 years to years. (Gini lo, 2 angkatan terakhir ini harus make dasi yang lebih mirip dasi SMP karena bahan polkadotnya habis, including us T_T). And so many ideas..
See ya..


This is an egg. Myriad possibilities. It can be scrambled, fried, beaten. etc. You get the drift, Or it can become a chick. It really depends on who has the egg. Same for ideas. Left alone, they are just thoughts. Given the chance, they become real. Which is what this is all about. It's not about how to generate ideas. They trust you do that well enough. It's how you translate that thought in your head into objects in your space. It's about giving your ideas life. Letting them breathe.

Taken from a university brochure. :)

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

We Are The World

There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on
Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Source: www.lyrics007.com


Tentwo is name of class X.2 in SMAN 8 Pekanbaru 2009/2010. This is where everything came from.
I entered SMAN 8 Pekanbaru. There were matriculation, MOS, and so many introductions about this school. And this was what I’d been waited for, the ‘class division’. That Saturday morning, the last day of MOS and also the class division day, every student had to bring a vase of flower, for green program. Benitiya asked me to bring hers, so I walked with vases in my hands. She couldn’t come that morning cause still in Jakarta. Then we stood in rows with so many instructions. And, it was the time. Mr.Wawan announced the class division. That was very menegangkan. My name wasn’t mentioned in class X.1. My name appeared in the last ten of X.2, together with Nurul Nathira and Benitiya, (my friend from SMP, Matriculation, X.2, and now Acceleration). We were very glad to be in the same class again.

There were 38 students and our class teacher was honorable Mr. Rudi Sisyanto. We’d been a nice family. A nice friendship, a very kind class teacher, a unique classroom (we have a fitting room). The place with different talent living. A funny class. So many experiences, joys, and lessons that we got. We’d been together for about 3 months, until that announcement come. They said there would be an acceleration class. So all student who had intelligence quotient (IQ) higher then 120, had to attend a written test. Then who passed, would attend the other test until got the big twenty. And Alhamdulillah the result wasn’t bad, I was the first of all. And finally 4 of us had to go from Tentwo (Nurul, Beben, Putri, and I). Actually it was so hard to be apart from them, and so many suggestion, influence, and consideration that make me confused. But, I had chosen it. This is my life, and show must go on. So, we can’t in the same class anymore, but I hope our friendship will never end. I love you all. You always be my friends. And I want to say something to you guys, a good friend is a friend who’s glad to see their friend be better.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Axl 9

Acceleration IX is the ninth generation of acceleration big family in SMAN 8 Pekanbaru, Riau, Sumatera, Indonesia, South East Asia, Asia, and World. We were formed on October 5 2009. We live together with Acceleration VIII, who are going to leave us 6 months later T_T. Yeah, beside as a family, they also be our only neighbor. So we get to live harmony with much ‘love’ each other. Our classes are on the second floor of a white house which is located on the front row SMAN 8 Pekanbaru, and we call it Neigborhood Harmony Acceleration (Rukun Tetangga Aksel/RT Aksel). Now, this neighborhood is headed by a buttonhole who very familiar apalagi when Monday ceremony, Mr. Tavip, a chemistry teacher, merangkap wakil kepala sekolah bagian manajemen mutu, he makes chemistry become so simple in a short time. He is also the person who gives us holidaaaay. And the mother of our family is Mrs. Yulisda who never stops supporting us, one of BK teacher.
16 girls, 4 boys. 20 students with different oddities, here we are.
1. Anindita Puspita W (Mamadi)
2. Annisa Putri Z (Nenek)
3. Benitiya (Beben)
4. Dhita Natasya DH (Manja)
5. Fransiska (FS/Mbak Mun)
6. Irene Darmawan (Rene)
7. Lulu Fanty C (Loe-loe)
8. Nurul Fadhila (Kudo)
9. Nurul Nathira (Nurul)
10. Putri Arini O (Putri)
11. Rifda Marwa U (Rifda)
12. Rina Ovi (Thumberina)
13. Sari Yunita (Sari)
14. Selvy Harianti (Ippi) : Our chair woman
15. Siti Aminah FA (Bundo) : Me :D
16. Tri Suciati (Uci)
17. Gede Indra (Geged)
18. Liga Hendrono (Liga)
19. M. Risky (Iky)
20. Yohanes Ridora (Yoyo/Ones)

This is the best place I’ve ever had. I feel comfortable with them. We share joy and sorrow every day. This class is the real class where we have to be. We have the same purpose, same dream, same commitment, same behavior, same habit, but of course not same face. This is the place where we can develop our potency as optimal as possible, the place where we can absorb all the knowledge as many as possible without any resistor, where we struggle as possible as we can, where we can do the best competition. We do it all together.

2 years, that’s our time, short, but it’s the time to choose the way of our life…

Mm, I think that time is enough for me, cause I’ll pass it with you, my friends. We’ll be together struggling for dreams that we have. We’ll be together until that time comes, when our choices ask us to follow them. I hope God always with us in every energy that we use for this all and that energy can change into the new one after we all be accepted in the University that we dream of. Amiiin..


Our neighbor:
Getting closer, closer, and closer after MOS on October 2009, on our first 5 days studied in this class. They announced about MOS just 2 days before the activity. A bit surprising. We never thought would have the second MOS in this school. With some equipments to bring. They said 2 days was a long time for us to prepare it, and the equipments weren’t so hard to find. They decided us into some groups, and my group were Geged, Kudo, Nenek.
That was the most interesting MOS that I’d ever had, although at the first we surprised with them who looked fierce. But, that was just to build our mental. In fact, they are so kind and funny and also ‘crazy’.
I want to thanks for everyone who has made this class and chose us as the inhabitant.

My Dining Table Got Licin, Wangi, Lembut Jadi Satu (Rewriting)

Why’s there ‘rewriting’?
Actually, I’d written this some months ago when I was really new on my blog. BUT,, because of my silliness and my kebodohan (poddowae), this story ter-erase. (padahal kan buatnya need perjuangan yang besar..i sacrificed my energy, my blood, and my tears..T_T). Ya.. akhirnye I kecewa heavy(hualaaah bahasa opo iki) then I decided not to write on my blog for long long time until luka di hati I terobati..hiks (bilang ajalah malas nulis).

Okay.. this is the setorri

It was a night when my father went to a place (I don’t remember where). I was alone at home. My mom accompanied my sister who attended Physic National Olympiad in Jakarta. She was one of two representatives from Riau province. So, i lived with my father for a few days. And it meant thaaat I was the most responsible one to do all the family chores.
After I locked the door, I planned to sweep the floor (maklum siang sekolah). But before that, as usual I wanted to clean my dining table. First, I took a piece of kain lap and a bottle of glass cleaner liquid (my dining table surface is made of glass). Then, I started to spray the liquid on whole my table surface. After that I lap it slowly. After ¼ parts, I stopped lap-ing. I smelled something. Suddenly my nose made a connection with my neuron and my brain. Terdiam in the silence for few seconds. Then I realized something. I remembered something. I resmelled the table and checked up the liquid. Oh my god..! it wasn’t the liquid for glass cleaner, but it’s KISPRAY, a liquid (pelicin, pewangi, pelembut)for cloth. Oh nooo..!Langsung aja deh I cleaned the table with water as clean as I can (setidaknya buat ngilangin aroma menyengat due to so much Kispray). BUT, tetuep.. the smell.. I couldn’t differ the smell of my cloth and my table. Even my table was more smelly. And the smell menusuk ke all penjuru rumah.

My father went home..
I told what had been happened. And he just smiled then said, “who –lah yang punya kerjaan put Kispray in Cling bottle..ckck”. then we laughed together. But I knew that he was exactly the main suspect of this all. Coz he is the only one who likes doing lawag bin aneh thing in our house. Dad..dad..

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Pegel linu, sekot2, cekit-cekit..cekit-cekit

Okay.. 'Bahasa' time..

Hari ini aku bangun tidur dengan rasa pegal di sekujur tubuhku, terutama di bagian paha ke bawah. Bener-bener deh ini, ga bisa dipungkiri lagi, pasti akibat dari olahraga yang kami lakukan kemaren (maklum, kite2 ni jarang olahraga, jadi sekali olahraga gini dah jadinya). Padahal aku kira dampaknya ga gini banget. Kami cuma latihan main pingpong, ga seberat lari, renang, push up, naik turun tangga, naik turun gunung,lo?. Itu pun cuma baru teknik dasar kayak latihan mantul2in bola, lempar tangkap bola, intinya mengendalikan bola atau kata pak erwan (guru olahraga kami) 'menjinakkan' bola. Dan sebelumnya juga kami udah pemanasan. Aku serius kok waktu pemanasan, bahkan terlalu bersemangat. Tapi,, kenapa begini banget (ga ada bedanya sama abis lari dari Pekanbaru-New York New York-Pekanbaru..Lebaay :P)?? Apakah tubuhku sudah tidak sehat lagi? Apakah aku sudah memasuki gejala penuaan di mana penyakit mulai hinggap? Atau apakah aku emang udh lama ga olahraga? Atau,, apa ada penelitian bahwa terlalu bersemangat dalam pemanasan akan memperburuk keadaan??
Apapun yang terjadi, marilah kita tetap berpegang teguh pada agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing, mengheningkan cipta mulai..(lo????) :D

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009


I've found someone. She's different. She's unique. I like this person.
Last night, some words came from her mouth. Unpredictable words. She said something about my self. Actually, I was so surprised to hear that. Something which is never and impossible (i think) known by the others. But, she knows. Good girl, good observer, and.. good friend. (even though you often forget what you've said, busuk :D )
Any other can be like her? I'm waiting.