That morning, we studied Bahasa Indonesia.
Our topic was "Paragraf Argumentasi" with the sub topic "Paragraf Kaukalitas(Hubungan Sebab Akibat)". Our teacher gave us an exercise to make one paragraph based on that topic. SO, each of us started thinking hard to get the craziest idea. There are so many possibilities to make. These are several things about us:
Finally I wrote paragraph about the effects of using motor vehicle. But, this is not sembarang paragraph, i wrote, just because using motor vehicle, this world can be threaten of EXTINCTION. Then this's Nurul's idea, Nurul said that people who are eating bananas can die. Iya, kalo pas lagi makan ketabrak truk (hahahahahahahahhaha..garing :P). Trus, there's something lawak about si FS. Kan yang disuruh only one paragraph, eh dia malah buat satu judul karangan yg berisi so many paragraphs (emang dasar tukang nulis ato kerajinan ato ga denger penjelasan ibuk ya?ehm.hhe). Lalu, Mamadi. Si genius ini made a paragraph about "The Effect Of Habisnya Bahan Dasi Polkadot". Kayaknya ini merupakan curahan hati seorang SMAN 8 student who's really dissapointed bcoz ga bisa make indahnya dasi polkadot yang menjadi kebanggaan SMAN 8 years to years. (Gini lo, 2 angkatan terakhir ini harus make dasi yang lebih mirip dasi SMP karena bahan polkadotnya habis, including us T_T). And so many ideas..
See ya..
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